How a Humidity Control System Can Transform Your Home
Are you curious about how a humidity control system could possibly transform your home? Check out how they do so! They’re energy-efficient. Since humidity control systems can make you feel warmer at lower temperatures, you won’t need to turn up the thermostat to feel comfortable…
Five Easy Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality is important – this plays a huge role in our overall health. The average person spends most of their time indoors, so it’s crucial that our homes and workplaces remain pollutant-free. There are many things that can contribute to poor air quality…
How to Choose a Window Air Conditioner
Are you preparing to purchase a window AC? Here are some important factors to take into consideration. Size and cooling capacity. Depending on the dimensions of the room where you’ll most often be using your portable A/C, it’s important to buy a unit that really…
Summertime Air Conditioner Repair Tips
It’s summertime! Do you need professional air conditioning repair? If so, you might feel overwhelmed by the number of HVAC service providers in your area. How do you choose the right company for repairs? Here are some tips on what to look for in a…
How to Fix A Leaky Flange Gasket on A Toilet
Are you hoping to fix a leaky flange gasket on your toilet? This isn’t exactly a simple endeavor, but keep in mind that it can certainly be done. First, let’s go over what a toilet flange actually is. A toilet flange is at the base…
Top Reasons to Install a New Air Conditioner This Spring
It’s officially springtime, and the temperature is rising! Are you considering installing a new air conditioner unit this spring? Great choice! Here are the main reasons why installing a new AC is beneficial: You’ll enjoy a more consistent temperature. That’s right! When you install a…
Advantages of Hiring Video Pipe Inspection Services For Sewer Pipes
Did you know that video cameras have become an integral tool in the plumbing business? It’s true! With video cameras, professional plumbers can more thoroughly inspect your plumbing system. These specially-made fiber optic cameras can help plumbers get a closer look at potential obstructions, clogging,…
Leaking Taps – Repairs Made Easy
Are you dealing with a leaky faucet? You’re certainly not alone! This is a common problem that homeowners deal with regularly, no matter how well-maintained your plumbing & faucets may be. And, guess what: You CAN repair most leaks on your own. Don’t be intimidated…
The Importance of Indoor Air Quality This Spring
You’ve likely heard all about how outdoor pollution is damaging our health. But, did you know that indoor air quality is just as important? The quality of our indoor air can have a profound impact on our health. Read on for the more about the…
Benefits of Water Purification in Evansville, IN
Have you ever been curious about whether water purification is really worth it? (Well, in short, the answer is: YES!) Read on for the main benefits of purifying your water: Purified water tastes better. It’s simply the truth: purified water has a better, cleaner taste…