
The Price Tag for an Emergency HVAC Visit

We get calls from our Evansville clients fairly often, wanting to know how much an emergency HVAC visit will cost them. Baylor Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. put together this article to try and help with some of those questions. If you’re in need of…

How to Get Ideal Humidity for Maximum Comfort

Maintaining the correct humidity level is essential for creating a comfortable environment. Too much humidity can lead to uncomfortable conditions like mold growth and skin irritation, while too little humidity can cause dryness of the skin, eyes, and nasal passages. The levels of relative humidity…

Will Homeowners Insurance Cover a Broken Sewer Line?

When you bought your house, you likely had to also purchase a homeowners insurance policy. Not only is this required for most mortgages, but it also provides peace of mind and financial protection if there’s ever major damage to your home. However, homeowners insurance doesn’t…

What Does the Override Feature on my AC Do?

Did you just move to a new place, and now you find yourself confused about how your new thermostat works? That’s normal! Here, we’ve provided a guide to one of the main features of your air conditioning system: the override feature. You’ll definitely want to…