A faulty furnace is not something you want to deal with during the cold winter months. However, we all must have to deal with the common problems that come with furnaces at some point. When you are able to pick up problems with your furnace early, it can save you from costly repairs and energy bills.
If you need help diagnosing and fixing your furnace, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Baylor Heating & Air Conditioning. We will be able to help you quickly identify and resolve the issue. In this guide, we will explore some of the common problems with a furnace and how to fix them.
Dirty Filters
A dirty filter will cause your furnace to run inefficiently. This can result in higher energy bills and the need for more frequent repairs. It can damage your limit switch. It is important to check your filter at least once a month and change it every three months or when necessary.
Thermostat Problems
A thermostat that isn’t working is one of the most common issues with furnaces. If your furnace isn’t heating the house, it could be an issue with the thermostat. Sometimes, you may need to reset or recalibrate it to get it working again. When you see that your fan is constantly running, it is a sign that your thermostat needs to be adjusted.
Pilot Light Issues
It is necessary for a pilot light to stay lit in order for the furnace to work properly. If it goes out, you can try relighting it yourself or contact a professional for help. Make sure that you follow proper safety precautions when relighting the pilot light. If the light is yellow or flickering, it is a sign of excess carbon monoxide in your system. If you spot any change in your furnace’s pilot light, contact your HVAC contractor.
Cracked Heat Exchanger
Your heat exchanger is responsible for keeping the furnace’s combustion and ventilation systems separate. If it cracks, your safety is at risk. The only way to check if it has cracked is to consult with a professional technician who will be able to identify any problems in the heat exchanger with specialized equipment. Heat exchanger crack can occur as a result of several factors including a clogged filter. To keep your home safe, call your local HVAC technician whenever your furnace stops heating your home.
Malfunctioning or Worn Out Blower Belt
If your furnace produces a high pitched squealing sound while running, it could be a sign of a worn out or misaligned blower belt. In order to fix this, you will need to replace the belt with a new one and make sure that it is properly aligned. If you are not comfortable replacing the belt yourself, contact a professional HVAC technician for assistance.
Persistent Over Cycling
Does your furnace turn on and off every couple of minutes? This is a sign that either your thermostat or the furnace itself is not working properly. Make sure to check the thermostat settings first, then contact a professional for repair if necessary. Over-cycling can cause too much stress on your system and result in costly repairs.
Limit Switch Failure
A malfunctioning limit switch will cause your furnace to blow continuously. If you suspect a problem with the limit switch, it is best to contact an HVAC professional for assistance as soon as possible.
Furnace Isn’t Blowing Air
When your furnace stops blowing air, inspect your blower to be sure that nothing is blocking it. If that doesn’t fix the issue, check your blower for a red light. If you find it, contact a professional to inspect and repair your furnace.
Worn-Out Ball Bearings
Without the ball bearings, your furnace won’t function properly because the motor won’t work as it should. With time, your system’s ball bearings wear out and have to be replaced. A scraping sound from your furnace is a sign of trouble. Turn off the unit and call a pro as soon as you can.
Rattling Furnace Noises
Rattling or other noises like pinging and popping from your furnace may be as a result of a handful of problems. While rattling noises may be due to loose panels, popping or pinging sounds may be due to problems in the ductwork.
Contact Baylor Heating & Air Conditioning For Furnace Maintenance
By servicing and regularly maintaining your furnace, you’ll be able to avoid bigger problems down the line and save money on repair costs. Keep an eye out for any issues that might occur with your furnace and contact a professional right away if you suspect any problems.
At Baylor Heating & Air Conditioning, our experienced technicians will inspect your furnace, identify potential issues and repair them quickly and efficiently. We provide a variety of services for all makes and models of furnaces, so you can count on us to get the job done in no time. Give us a call today 812.425.8435 to schedule a free consultation.